Turfan, G, Shnorhokian, S, Mitri, HS & Conley, A 2024, 'Three-dimensional modelling of development intersections at the Eleonore mine', in P Andrieux & D Cumming-Potvin (eds), Deep Mining 2024: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Deep and High Stress Mining, pp. 779-792, https://doi.org/10.36487/ACG_repo/2465_49 (https://papers.acg.uwa.edu.au/p/2465_49_Turfan/) Abstract: Several ground control challenges are encountered during the narrow-vein mining of parallel orebodies in a complex geologic environment at the Eleonore mine. Mining-induced seismicity and related rock mechanics instability events often take place at vulnerable locations such as development intersections. Both static and dynamic ground support systems are used to control the effects of these events. The mining sequence followed is usually pyramidal and moves from bottom to top with regional pillars separating the different blocks. Numerical modelling is used to assess the stress redistributions based on the stope sequences being planned. In this paper a geometrically simplified 3D linear elastic model of the Eleonore mine is constructed for several levels, along with the drift and crosscut systems on L 860, L 830 and L 800. Rock mass properties used as model inputs are obtained from recent laboratory tests and core logs, as well as older studies conducted for the Eleonore mine. Calibration is conducted with boundary stresses being applied to obtain pre-mining magnitudes comparable to those measured in the field. A typical pyramidal sequence is implemented and locations within the development network where potential instability could take place are identified based on 1 and brittle shear ratio (BSR) thresholds. Based on these initial results a detailed 3D model is then constructed of potential vulnerable intersections. The outputs from the two models are compared and the impact of mining is assessed with respect to the mode of instability observed at these intersections. Keywords: development intersections, mining-induced seismicity, 3D modelling, stope sequences