Wienand, GA & Ferreira, RIL 2007, 'Planning and Practice of Remnant Pillar Mining - A Case Study', in Y Potvin (ed.), Deep Mining 2007: Proceedings of the Fourth International Seminar on Deep and High Stress Mining, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 141-162, ( Abstract: The extension of the life of some shafts by mining extractable, accessible and economically viable remnant pillars, has become much of a necessity. The geotechnical investigation into the potential for successful extraction of these pillars is crucial, and is approached in a multi-disciplinary manner. This case study outlines the mining methodology, and relates the initial investigation to the practical experience of extracting a 8000 m2 remnant pillar in a tabular reef at 1600 m depth, at the Thabelang “Let’s be happy” Shaft of Gold Fields’ Driefontein mine.