Authors: Kuenen, J


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Kuenen, J 2011, 'Increased capacity with world-class piston diaphragm pumping technology', in R Jewell & AB Fourie (eds), Paste 2011: Proceedings of the 14th International Seminar on Paste and Thickened Tailings, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 427-438,

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High density pumping of the abrasive slurry by piston diaphragm pumps has been selected as the most economical option for high pumping capacities for large process feed installations or large mine tailings transport systems. The GEHO development of the patented GLORES system (Geho LOad REduction System) increased possible power rating of the triplex piston diaphragm pump to 2,800 kW. For a multi-pump station, this enables a pump station design with an acceptable, lower number of pumps. The development of the largest pump diaphragm in the world and the use of numerical tools for the analysis of dynamic phenomena within the pump, enables a reliable pump design for the increased flow rate from a hydraulic perspective as well. This paper describes the main development activities mentioned and focuses on the description of the GLORES system and the use of numerical tools for the analysis of the law of scale for dynamic phenomena which become more important to consider with increasing pump size. The GLORES system is a load balancing system for single acting piston diaphragm pumps which significantly increases the rod load rating of a specific power end. This significantly increases the maximum hydraulic power that can be generated by a single pump, enabling a more economical design of high volume positive displacement (PD) pump stations. GLORES in combination with the developments in the analysis of pump dynamics enables the design of slurry and tailings transport systems based on GEHO piston diaphragm pump technology with transport requirements of 10–100 Mtpa of dry solids.

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