Authors: Pollo, HN; Sompie, D; Kojansow, J; Mansur, HI


Cite As:
Pollo, HN, Sompie, D, Kojansow, J & Mansur, HI 2011, 'Reclamation and its succession in the used mine site of PT Newmont Minahasa Raya in Ratatotok, southeast Minahasa – a case study', in AB Fourie, M Tibbett & A Beersing (eds), Mine Closure 2011: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Mine Closure, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 281-290,

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Reclamation activities in the “PT Newmont Minahasa Raya (PTNMR)” mined area have been carried out since 1997 and include land reclamation, construction of erosion protection structures, planting and maintenance activities. The reclamation aimed to provide slope stability for geotechnical activity and erosion control, landscape improvement to complement the natural topography, generate the growth of independent vegetation, support the expected future land use, and return native faunas back to the reclaimed areas. Monitoring of reclamation development has been carried out since mine closure in 2004. The five parameters monitored include: plant density and vegetation dynamic, canopy coverage, seed production, return of fauna, and forest productivity. The areas monitored comprise of the entire mined site and the surrounding natural forests. The results of the study indicate that the current ecosystem in the reclaimed areas has changed from a man-made ecosystem to a natural ecosystem. The acceleration of such an ecosystem change occurred because PTNMR has consistently maintained “patches” of natural area around the reclamation area since the beginning of its operations to promote progressive reclamation.

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