Authors: Pabst, T; Molson, J; Aubertin, M; Bussière, B


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Pabst, T, Molson, J, Aubertin, M & Bussière, B 2011, 'Physical and geochemical transport modelling of pre-oxidised acid-generating tailings with a monolayer cover', in AB Fourie, M Tibbett & A Beersing (eds), Mine Closure 2011: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Mine Closure, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 323-332,

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This paper presents the results of an investigation on the efficiency of a monolayer cover placed on sulphidic tailings to control acid mine drainage. The study involved column tests and simulations conducted with a reactive transport model. A large column was filled with partially oxidised tailings covered with a single layer of relatively fine grained material. Monthly wetting and drying cycles were applied. The leachate was sampled for chemical analysis, including the pH, electrical conductivity, and the concentrations of sulphate and iron. Mineralogical analyses were also performed to obtain the parameters required for the simulations. The numerical model was used to simulate the flow of water and oxygen, as well as geochemical reactive transport in the column. The column model was calibrated using laboratory measurements. Additional simulations were conducted to extrapolate results over space and time. Alternative reclamation methods are also analysed.

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