Authors: Finn, D


Cite As:
Finn, D 2013, 'Applying a ground support and reinforcement design methodology', in Y Potvin & B Brady (eds), Ground Support 2013: Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Ground Support in Mining and Underground Construction, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 57-80,

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Utilising a ground support design methodology is an important part of designing ground support. This paper describes the application of the ground support and reinforcement design methodology outlined in Kaiser et al. (1996) at Ridgeway Deeps Block Cave. It sets out to describe the benefits of following a methodology, provides a broad format for ground support and reinforcement design, and the steps undertaken to apply the methodology at Ridgeway Deeps. At the time when ground support was being designed the Ridgeway Mine was in the process of transitioning from sublevel cave to block cave mining. This brought new challenges and it was anticipated that there would be significantly more deformation and seismic activity because of the increased depth and the mining method being used. The ground support design and implementation had to be able to cater for these conditions and it had to ensure that the mine achieved its development and production targets.

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