Authors: Villaescusa, E; Thompson, AG; Player, JR


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Villaescusa, E, Thompson, AG & Player, JR 2013, 'A decade of ground support research at the WA School of Mines', in Y Potvin & B Brady (eds), Ground Support 2013: Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Ground Support in Mining and Underground Construction, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 233-245,

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Mining in Western Australia during the next two decades or so will be approaching depths in which the induced stress regimes will approach the strength of the rock masses surrounding excavations. In such conditions, failure may occur violently due to the energy stored within the rock masses. Furthermore, in those highly stressed regions of a rock mass, sudden slip on major structures in the vicinity of the excavations are more likely to occur with an associated release of energy in the form of pressure and shear waves that excite the rock near the boundaries of excavations. In order to be prepared for such scenarios, and to ensure safe and economical excavations in the future, the Western Australian School of Mines (WASM) and a number of sponsoring companies have conceptualised and undertaken a number of research projects in ground support technology. The projects range from static and dynamic laboratory testing of support and reinforcement elements to in situ field testing and assessments of ground support corrosivity. The backgrounds for each of the stabilisation research projects at WASM have been summarised together with details of the methodology, current status, practical applications and future work.

Brown, E.T. (2004) The dynamic environment of ground support and reinforcement, in Proceedings Fifth International Symposium on Ground Support, Ground Support in Mining and Underground Construction, E. Villaescusa and Y. Potvin (eds), 28‒30 September, Perth, Australia, Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 3–16.
Hassell, R.C. (2008) Corrosion of rock reinforcement in underground excavations, PhD Thesis, Curtin University, Perth, 276 p.
Hassell, R.C., Villaescusa, E. and Thompson, A.G. (2006) Testing and evaluation of corrosion on cable bolt anchors, in Proceedings 41st US Rock Mechanics Symposium, 17–21 June, Golden, USA, ARMA, Washington DC, Paper 06–996, 11 p.
Hassell, R.C. and Villaescusa, E. (2005) Overcoring techniques to assess in situ corrosion of galvanised friction bolts, in Proceedings 24th international Conference on Ground Control in Mining, S.S. Peng (ed), 2–4 August, Morgantown, USA, University of West Virginia, Morgantown, pp. 349–356.
Hassell, R.C., Villaescusa, E., Thompson, A.G. and Kinsella, B. (2004) Corrosion assessment of ground support systems, in Proceedings Fifth International Symposium on Ground Support, Ground Support in Mining and Underground Construction, E. Villaescusa and Y. Potvin (eds), 28‒30 September, Perth, Australia, Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 529–544.
Potvin, Y., Nedin, P., Sandy, M., Rosengren, K. and Rosengren, M.D. (2001) Towards the Elimination of Rockfall Fatalities in Australian Mines, MERIWA report No. 223, Project No. M341, Government of Western Australia, ACG:1009–01, 54 p.
Player, J.R. (2012) Dynamic testing of rock reinforcement systems. PhD Thesis, Curtin University, Perth, 260 p.
Player, J.R., Villaescusa, E. and Thompson, A.G. (2004) Dynamic testing of rock reinforcement using the momentum transfer concept, in Proceedings Fifth International Symposium on Ground Support, Ground Support in Mining and Underground Construction, E. Villaescusa and Y. Potvin (eds), 28‒30 September, Perth, Australia, Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 327–339.
Thompson, A.G., Villaescusa, E. and Windsor, C.R. (2012) Ground support terminology and classification: An Update, Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, , Vol. 30(3), pp. 553–580.
Thompson, A.G. (2004) Performance of cable bolt anchors – An Update, in Proceedings MassMin 2004, A. Karzulovic and M. Alvaro (eds), 22‒25 August, Santiago, Chile, Instituto de Ingenieros de Chile, Santiago, pp. 317–323.
Thompson, A.G., Villaescusa, E. and Player, J.R. (2004) Simulation and analysis of dynamically loaded reinforcement systems, in Proceedings Fifth International Symposium on Ground Support, Ground Support in Mining and Underground Construction, E. Villaescusa and Y. Potvin (eds), 28‒30 September, Perth, Australia, Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 341–355.
Villaescusa, E., Hassell, R.C. and Thompson, A.G. (2008) Development of a corrosivity classification for cement grouted cable strand in underground hard rock mining excavations, Journal of the South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Vol. 108(6), pp. 301–308.
Villaescusa, E., Thompson, A.G. and Player, J.R. (2005) Dynamic testing of rock reinforcement systems, in Proceedings CRC Mining Australian Mining Technology Conference – New Technologies to Produce More with Less, H. Gurgenci, M. Hood, P. Lever and P. Knights (eds), 27–28 September, Fremantle, Australia, The AusIMM, Melbourne, pp. 79–95.
Villaescusa, E., Sandy, M. and Bywater, S. (1992) Ground support investigations and practices at Mount Isa, in Proceedings International Symposium on Rock Support, P.K. Kaiser and D.R. McCreath (eds), 15–19 June, Sudbury, Canada, pp. 185–193.
Windsor, C.R. and Thompson A.G. (1993) Rock Reinforcement – Technology, Testing, Design and Evaluation, Comprehensive Rock Engineering, J.A. Hudson (ed), Pergamon Press, Oxford, Vol. 4, Chapter 16, pp. 451–484.
Wu, Y.K. and Oldsen, J. (2010) Development of a New Yielding Rock Bolt, in Proceedings 44th US Rock Mechanics Symposium and 5th US-Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, 27–30 June, Salt Lake City, USA, ARMA, Washington DC, Paper 10–197, 6 p.

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