Authors: Loncaric, AJ; Goransson, E; Singh, U

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Loncaric, AJ, Goransson, E & Singh, U 2013, 'Advances in shotcrete nozzle operator training', in Y Potvin & B Brady (eds), Ground Support 2013: Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Ground Support in Mining and Underground Construction, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 617-628,

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Sprayed concrete (shotcrete) is widely used in both civil and mining projects for ground control and surface lining. Quality shotcrete is the product of a complex interaction of numerous factors. One of the key factors in achieving a cost effective, high quality product is the knowledge, skill and experience of the nozzle operator. This paper presents a training package for nozzle operators that is competency-based, and includes theory, simulator and practical training. Simulator training is provided via a state of the art 3D shotcrete simulation which replicates tunnels captured from real 3D scans, and uses the controls from real shotcrete rigs commonly used underground. The simulator trains the operator in robotic controls and finer details of shotcrete application including thickness and rebound. The simulator also collects key data on the operator performance which can be used by course leaders to assess progress.

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Loncaric, A.J. and Donnelly, B. (2009) Proposed training programme for shotcrete operators, in Proceedings First International Seminar on Safe and Rapid Development Mining (SRDM), P. Dight (ed), 6–7 May 2009, Perth, Australia, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 21–32.
Morrison, W. (2012) The Science of Shotcrete, CBI Meeting, 5 June 2012, MEYCO BASF.

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