Authors: Elmouttie, MK; Poropat, GV; Krähenbühl, G; Dean, P


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Elmouttie, MK, Poropat, GV, Krähenbühl, G & Dean, P 2013, 'Rapid characterisation of potentially hazardous blocks in open pit mining', in PM Dight (ed.), Slope Stability 2013: Proceedings of the 2013 International Symposium on Slope Stability in Open Pit Mining and Civil Engineering, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 151-162,

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The management of open pit mine slope stability analysis can be optimised by using all available data ranging from qualitative assessment of rock mass properties through to the results of sophisticated computer-based analyses. The choice of approach is typically based on both technical and resource constraints. In this paper we propose a practical method to manage design risks by understanding the potential structure-controlled failure mechanisms of a slope. In particular we emphasise that an understanding of the trustworthiness or level of confidence associated with the stability analysis is essential to manage the rock mass and to determine the appropriate amount of resources required. The example discussed in this paper involves consideration of the potential formation of kinematically hazardous blocks on a mine highwall or bench face, where it is not clear from the outset what approach is required. The proposed method provides a quick assessment based on the spatial location of structure data and the practical uncertainties resulting from variation of key input data. In this paper, we will present new methods to provide this guidance based on recent advances in the use of digitally mapped structural data, first pass rigid block stability analysis and analysis of the confidence of the stability analysis undertaken.

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