Authors: Smith, HD; Thompson, A


Cite As:
Smith, HD & Thompson, A 2013, 'Towards closure at Jabiluka: rehabilitation of the Boiweg-Almudj sacred site complex', in M Tibbett, AB Fourie & C Digby (eds), Mine Closure 2013: Proceedings of the Eighth International Seminar on Mine Closure, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Cornwall, pp. 423-429,

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Jabiluka is an underground uranium deposit of significant economic potential located within the contiguous cultural and natural environments in Australia known as Kakadu National Park. Following a period of public controversy in the late 1990s, the development of the mine was shelved and the site was placed into care and maintenance without any ore being processed. Traversing Jabiluka is a significant complex of sacred Aboriginal sites known as Boyweg-Almudj, which was where pre-mining drilling activities were undertaken in the 1970s. This paper considers the damage that has been done to Boyweg-Almudj from the traditional Aboriginal owners’ perspective and the steps that have been taken since 2010 to have this area rehabilitated. The outcomes are discussed not only in respect of environmental benefit, engagement and cultural acceptance but also in terms of the application of traditional Aboriginal knowledge to the remediation and cultural reclamation of the Jabiluka site. These actions constitute part of an evolving model for integrating Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal knowledge into the closure of mine sites across Australia’s Northern Territory that has been in development since 2006.

Commonwealth of Australia (1999) Jabiluka: The Undermining of Process – Inquiry into the Jabiluka Uranium Mine Project, Report of the Senate Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts References Committee, esp. pp. 39–46 and 164–166.
Deutscher, R.L., Mann, A.W. and Giblin, A. (1980) Groundwater geochemistry in the vicinity of the Jabiluka deposits, in Proceedings International Uranium Symposium on the Pine Creek Geosyncline, J. Ferguson and A.B. Goleby (eds), 4–8 June 1979, Sydney, Australia, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna.
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Jacobsen, N. (2012) Progressive rehabilitation 2012–2017, pilot projects, Energy Resources of Australia Internal Paper.
Kalf, F.R.P. and Dudgeon, C.R. (1999) Analysis of long-term groundwater dispersal of contaminants from proposed Jabiluka Mine tailings repositories, Supervising Scientist Report 143, Environment Australia, Canberra.
Kilborn, M.W.P. (1976) Groundwater investigations for Jabiluka orebody, Report to Pancontinental Mining Ltd.
Kinhill Engineers (1998) The Jabiluka Mill Alternative Public Environmental Report, Kinhill Pty Ltd.
McKay, A.D. and Meiitis, Y. (2001) Australia's uranium resources, geology and development of deposits, AGSO-Geoscience Australia, Mineral Resources Report 1.
Pancontinental Mining Limited (1981) A Review of the Jabiluka Project Environmental Studies, Vol. 2, Chemistry of Groundwaters of the Jabiluka Project Area.
Smith, H.D. (2008) Using traditional ecological knowledge to develop closure criteria in tropical Australia, in Proceedings Third International Seminar on Mine Closure (Mine Closure 2008), A.B. Fourie, M. Tibbett, I. Weiersbye and P. Dye (eds), 14–17 October 2008, Johannesburg, South Africa, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 47–56.
Smith, H.D. (2009) Strangers in a foreign land – developing cultural closure criteria for mines in Australia’s Northern Territory, in Proceedings Fourth International Seminar on Mine Closure (Mine Closure 2009), A.B. Fourie and M. Tibbett (eds), 9−11 September 2009, Perth, Australia, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 3–12.
Smith, H.D. (2012a) Post closure planning for Ranger uranium mine, in Proceedings Seventh International Seminar on Mine Closure (Mine Closure 2012), A.B. Fourie and M. Tibbett (eds), 25–27 September 2012, Brisbane, Australia, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 667–674.
Smith, H.D. (2012b) Aboriginal perspectives on mine closure and oil well abandonment, in Proceedings Seventh International Seminar on Mine Closure (Mine Closure 2012), A.B. Fourie and M. Tibbett (eds), 25–27 September 2012, Brisbane, Australia, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 641–650.

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