Authors: Mohanty, B; Trivino, LF


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Mohanty, B & Trivino, LF 2014, 'Blast vibration monitoring in cemented paste backfill during its curing stage – a case study', in Y Potvin & T Grice (eds), Mine Fill 2014: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Symposium on Mining with Backfill, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 493-501,

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An extensive seismic monitoring program was carried out at an underground mine as part of a comprehensive geotechnical study on the behaviour of cemented paste backfill (CPB) used as stope filling material, under a normal production blast environment. The ultimate goal of the study was to investigate potential liquefaction hazard of CPB due to seismic vibrations issuing from nearby blasting operations. The specific objectives of this phase of the investigation were to; (a) characterise the seismic response of both in situ rock and CPB in selected areas as it relates to normal blasting operation in the mine, (b) determine both amplitude and frequency characteristics of the vibrations issuing from both controlled and normal production blasts in the vicinity of backfilled stope, and (c) study the effect of curing time on the vibration characteristics in the backfill. Multiple vibrations sensors in the form of triaxial accelerometers were embedded in both in situ rock and adjacent backfill. The accelerometers employed in the backfill had a maximum amplitude range of 5-10 g and a frequency response of 1-5 kHz; the accelerometers in rock had a maximum range of either 500 or 1,000 g and a frequency range of 1-10 kHz. The range of distance employed from the blasts was 10-100 m. This paper details the changes in the blast vibration characteristics in CPB with curing time (up to 28 days) in terms of vibration amplitude, frequency content, and the changes in both P-wave velocity, and their implication on vibration loads from typical production blasts at the mine.

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