Authors: Duff, DJ


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Duff, DJ 2014, 'Translating new knowledge into practical and effective tools for geotechnical risk and database management in deep high stress mines', in M Hudyma & Y Potvin (eds), Deep Mining 2014: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Deep and High Stress Mining, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 499-512,

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Since its inception the Centre for Excellence in Mining Innovation (CEMI) has worked closely with the mining industry to identify the challenges it faces in making deep mines safer and less risky. Efforts have focused on identifying knowledge and technology gaps in design and performance-related activities and on devising improvements aimed at addressing them. This paper will provide an overview of the progress to date – some five years after initiation of this effort. Tools and guidelines already made available to the industry through CEMI will be reviewed, and new ones currently being prepared will be highlighted. As well, state of the art rock mass monitoring research will be summarised as will results to date of a cross-disciplinary (mining and oil and gas industry) set of field trials being conducted by CEMI in Australia where fluid injection is being investigated as a means to re-distribute stress at a block scale in deep underground mines. This work, if successful, will mean that new tools and new approaches may be required for dealing with stress management in deep mines elsewhere, including in Canada. Finally, a new approach being led by CEMI to building database collection, integration and management capability within our industry will be highlighted.

Cai, M & Fava, L 2014 Improving the Reliability of Geotechnical Design by Incorporating Realistic 3D DFN Modelling, Collaborative Research and Development grant application (in preparation).
Diederichs, M & Hutchinson, J 2014, ‘SUMIT projects 2A, 2B and 4A’, presentation to SUMIT project sponsor, April 15th–16th workshop at Queen’s University, Kingston.
Duff, DJ, Valley, B, Milkereit, B & McGaughey, J 2011, ‘Rock mass response to deep mining induced stress— research and tools development at the CEMI, Canada’, in Y Potvin (ed.), Proceedings of the Fourth International seminar on Strategic versus Tactical Approaches in Mining, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 73-84.
Eberhardt, E, Eaton, D, van der Baan, M, Schmitt, Kaiser, PK, Dusseault, M, & Valley, B 2014, Hydraulic Fracturing versus Stimulation: Understanding Rock Mass Preconditioning and Behaviour Modification in Highly Stressed Rock through a Unique In-Situ Experiment, team submission for Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada funding, in preparation.
Groccia, C, Cai, M & Punkkinen, A. 2014, ‘Quantifying rock mass bulking – A case study at Creighton Mine’, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, in preparation.
International Mine Seismology Group 2013, S-GMAT Tool, Centre for Excellence in Mining Innovation, Sudbury,
Kaiser, PK & Cai, M 2013a, ‘Critical review of design principles for rock support in burst-prone ground – time to rethink!’, in Y Potvin & B Brady, Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Ground Support in Mining and Underground Construction, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 3-38.
Kaiser, PK & Cai, M 2013b, ‘Rockburst damage mechanisms and support design principles’, in A Malovichko & D Malovichko (eds), Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Rockbursts and Seismicity in Mines, Geophysical Survey of Russian Academy of Sciences, Obninsk, Mining Institute of Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Perm, pp. 349-370.
Kaiser, PK, Diederichs, MS Langford, C & Valley, B 2014, Guidelines for GeoRisk-Based Mine Design, Centre for Excellence in Mining Innovation guidelines document, CEMI, in preparation.
Kaiser, PK, Tannant, DD & McCreath, DR 1996, Canadian Rockburst Support Handbook, Geomechanics Research Centre, Laurentian University, Sudbury.
Millar, D 2014, ‘Smart Underground Monitoring and Integrated Technologies — Package 6’, presentation to SUMIT project sponsor, April 15th–16th workshop at Queen’s University.
Mira Geoscience 2013, GeoHazMap, Centre for Excellence in Mining Innovation, Sudbury,
MIRARCO 2013, BurstSupport Tool Phase I, Centre for Excellence in Mining Innovation, Sudbury,
Valley, B, Maloney, SM, Duff, D, Pesendorfer, M, Eberhardt E, Schmitt, D, Lowther, R & Kaiser, PK 2014, ‘Hydraulic injection experiment in an underground test site – Experiment layout and preliminary results’, Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on Rock Mechanics, abstract, in preparation.
Wang, X & Cai, M, 2014, ‘Numerical Modeling of Seismic Wave Propagation in Underground Mines’, presentation to SUMIT project sponsor, 15-16 April workshop at Queen’s University.

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