Authors: Steiner, W; Beth, M; Bock, H; Clegg, M; Golser, J; Möller, B; Pezzetti, G; Ridley, AM; van der Salm, R; Spalton, C; de Vos, L; Welter, P; Wörsching, H


Cite As:
Steiner, W, Beth, M, Bock, H, Clegg, M, Golser, J, Möller, B, Pezzetti, G, Ridley, AM, van der Salm, R, Spalton, C, de Vos, L, Welter, P & Wörsching, H 2015, 'Update on European and international geotechnical monitoring standards', in PM Dight (ed.), FMGM 2015: Proceedings of the Ninth Symposium on Field Measurements in Geomechanics, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 175-183,

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On the occasions of the previous International Field Measurements in Geomechanics (FMGM) symposia in Boston 2007 and Berlin 2011, contributions were made on the issue of developing a set of international geotechnical monitoring standards. Efforts, initially undertaken under the auspices of DIN, the German Standardisation Organization (Bock & Thaher 2007), and subsequently of CEN, the European Standardisation Organization (Steiner 2011) were referred to. This paper presents an update on the process, covering the developments, which have taken place since 2011, the current state, and future perspectives. It is foreseen that the set of the international geotechnical monitoring standards will consist of ten parts. Currently, the committee work is carried out by the authors of this paper, under the auspices of CEN, in cooperation with the International Standardization Organization (ISO). In 2013 it was decided to label the new standards as EN ISO 18674 under the heading of ‘Geotechnical investigation and testing – Geotechnical monitoring by field instrumentation’. Since 2011, the first part, namely ‘General rules’, has been finalised and is expected to be published in 2015. Drafts for the following two parts are nearing completion: Drafting has commenced for Part 4 ‘Piezometers’ and Part 5 ‘TPC - Total pressure cells’. The remaining five parts have yet to be started. In various CEN and ISO enquiries, there was convincing evidence on the need for geotechnical monitoring standards in general, and its market relevance in particular. Voting results of these enquiries are presented. They are understood as strong support for the work of the committee.

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Nußbaumer M 2011, ‘A comprehensive initiative towards more user-friendly standards’, in J Gattermann & B Bruns (eds), Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Field Measurements in Geomechanics (FMGM), Technische Universistät Braunschweig, Braunschweig, pp. 15-27.
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