Authors: Zambrano‐Narvaez, G; Chalaturnyk, R; Worth, K


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Zambrano‐Narvaez, G, Chalaturnyk, R & Worth, K 2015, 'Design and deployment of an integrated instrumentation system in a monitoring well at the Aquistore Geological CO2 storage project, Saskatchewan, Canada', in PM Dight (ed.), FMGM 2015: Proceedings of the Ninth Symposium on Field Measurements in Geomechanics, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 717-726,

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This paper provides an overview of the Aquistore geological CO2 storage project initiated in Western Canada in early June 2011. The Aquistore site is located in south-eastern Saskatchewan, Canada, near the city of Estevan. Initially, 1,000 tonnes/day of CO2 will be injected into a deep, highly saline aquifer at near 3.4 km depth in the Williston Basin. The injection interval is characterised by a thick sandstone aquifer of the Deadweed and Winnipeg Formations, and is overlain by the Icebox Member of the Winnipeg Formation and by the Praire Evaporite. The measurement, monitoring and verification program of Aquistore provides an opportunity to develop and implement effective methods for monitoring CO2 storage sites and ensure conformance of the storage process through continuous monitoring. In particular this paper will focus on the completion of the dedicated observation well, located at 150 m from the main injector, containing a fibre-optic distributed temperature system, fibre-optic distributed acoustic system, multiple pressure and temperature gauges and one fluid recovery system. Many of these tools are able to measure over the full depth of the well (3,400 m). This integrated down-hole monitoring system was casing-conveyed, accomplished by wrapping the tools around the main casing during its installation. The integration of the information from this monitoring program will provide valuable insights for similar projects and the professional community considering the deployment of unique multiple-instrument strings in the field of geological storage of CO2.

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