Authors: Pakalnis, R


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Pakalnis, R 2015, 'Empirical design methods in practice', in Y Potvin (ed.), Design Methods 2015: Proceedings of the International Seminar on Design Methods in Underground Mining, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 37-56,

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Empirical methods are the most widely used design techniques employed within the mining industry largely due to their success in the design of mine structures. This paper summarises the applications/ implementation of empirical design methods that the author has compiled/coordinated over the past thirty years with over 150 underground mining operations contributing either through consulting, research, assessment, database, verification and/or implementation. These design guidelines have been implemented throughout the world in association with researchers, mine engineers, operators and legislators to arrive at design methodologies based upon past practice and future implementation and assessment in order to ensure a safe and cost-effective mining operation. This paper summarises design curves that have been developed at the University of British Columbia over the past thirty years with the methodology for design being a common thread for all the tools presented which requires the operator to address stress, structure and the rock mass.

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