Authors: Vallejos, JA; Miranda, O; Gary, C; Delonca, A


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Vallejos, JA, Miranda, O, Gary, C & Delonca, A 2015, 'Development of an integrated platform for stability analysis and design in sublevel stoping mines — MineRoc®', in Y Potvin (ed.), Design Methods 2015: Proceedings of the International Seminar on Design Methods in Underground Mining, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 477-488,

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In sublevel stoping mining operations, the amount of rock overbreak from the walls plays a fundamental role in recovery and dilution control. In the case of massive orebodies, the amount of overbreak may produce interferences in the productive process and excessive wearing of drawpoints. In the case of narrow veins, the amount of overbreak may produce excessive dilution. All of these variables define the production plan of the mine. At present, a large amount of information is collected during operations. This information includes the grades and extracted tonnage, fragmentation, lithology, design of stopes and main infrastructure, geotechnical information, overbreak progress, seismicity, numerical modelling, and many other mine variables. To improve the reliability of the stability analysis design of stopes and the production plan, it is necessary to integrate the mine data in one platform. In this paper, the logic of MineRoc® is presented as an integrated technological platform for stability analysis in sublevel stoping mines. MineRoc includes an acquisition platform for mine data and geotechnical information, a geomechanical design module for stopes, and a back-analysis platform for calibrating mine design tools. The application and benefits of MineRoc are illustrated for sublevel open stope Chilean mining operations. Unified databases and updated design stability tools are developed, presented, and discussed. The platform can be used in the mine design and planning processes and is useful for reducing uncertainty in the mine design of sublevel stoping operations.

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