Authors: Klemm, S; Muehl, A; Koitzsch, Y; Gneist, F


Cite As:
Klemm, S, Muehl, A, Koitzsch, Y & Gneist, F 2016, 'Influence of damping parameters within a finite element model using the example of high energy impacts resulting from dynamic compaction', in PM Dight (ed.), APSSIM 2016: Proceedings of the First Asia Pacific Slope Stability in Mining Conference, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 169-181,

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MIBRAG has planned a new mass distributor on a dump area for the extension of the Vereinigtes Schleenhain open pit mining area in Germany. This plan calls for densification by dynamic compaction to improve the bearing capacity of the in situ dump material. The densification is bordering on an outer slope and it was necessary to guarantee slope stability under the influence of high energy impacts that result from dynamic compaction. For this reason slope stability was analysed using constitutive models in conjunction with a hardening soil model employing small strain stiffness and hysteretic damping. This work included a study of the influence of all parameters that affect soil damping. For this purpose, a finite element (FE) model was used for calibrating the damping parameters with the aim to obtain a reasonable match of calculation results to measured field data. This paper will provide an outline of the project, present the findings of our study on the influence of damping parameters within the FE model and will give an overview of the analysis of slope stability under dynamic compaction.

Keywords: dynamic numerical analyses, dynamic compaction, falling weight densification, propagation of vibrations, damping parameters

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