Authors: Humphries, RN


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Humphries, RN 2016, 'Extended ecosystem function analysis — the next step for mine rehabilitation appraisals', in AB Fourie & M Tibbett (eds), Mine Closure 2016: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Mine Closure, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 35-46,

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Ecosystem Function Analysis/Landscape Function Analysis (LFA/EFA) is a long established and well received science based monitoring and assessment technique for rehabilitated mines sites in Australia. It provides keystone evidence for the re-establishment of ecosystem function in the form of soil condition across a range of mine substrates and climatic conditions. LFA/EFA, in its current form is less concerned with subsequent ecosystem type and development in terms of vegetation composition and structural formation by which communities are recognised and characterised. Similarly, LFA/EFA is not concerned with their condition and, in particular, life-cycle states and dynamics which constitute the key foundation of sustainable ecosystems. The purpose of this paper is to consider whether there is scope for extending the LFA/EFA methodology for assessing revegetation success and ecosystem sustainability. Having examined the methodology and the ability to integrate an index-based assessment of composition, structure and condition, it is concluded that the LFA/EFA methodology can be extended. Hence, it is recommended that the suggested modifications are considered further and developed as necessary to enhance the current LFA/EFA methodology and also to meet biodiversity enhancement expectations.

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