Authors: Kelder, I; Waygood, CG; Willis, T


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Kelder, I, Waygood, CG & Willis, T 2016, 'Integrating the use of natural analogues and erosion modelling in landform design for closure', in AB Fourie & M Tibbett (eds), Mine Closure 2016: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Mine Closure, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 99-106,

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Landform design methodologies as applied in Australia use primarily one of three methods: Linear and empirical designs that consider primarily materials movement, Landform Evolution Models (such as WEPP or SIBERIA) to assess long-term erodibility of specific material within landforms, and hydrological models that use stable alluvial natural analogues in the local environment as a template for a stable unconsolidated landform shaped by water (typically Geofluv™ or similar). This paper is a case study on the use of elements of all three of these methods on Mangoola Open Cut, a large open cut coal mine in New South Wales, Australia, with a primary focus on the outcomes of an erosion modelling assessment of a Geofluv™ designed landform adapted to meet the site specific requirements. Construction of the landform commenced in 2012, and the performance to date has been encouraging, based on the short-term, prior to the establishment of vegetation. Short-term SIBERIA modelling was undertaken to inform the management of erosion risks in the short and long term, and in turn, facilitate ongoing flexibility for the construction of the landform. The modelling will also guide some aspects of revegetation. The modelling predicts that the average overall erosion rate in the long term (500 years) will be similar to the erosion rates of natural landforms in the general area.

Keywords: case study, landform design, erosion modelling, natural analogues, non-linear methodologies, Geofluv®, SIBERIA

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