Authors: Strachan, CL; Davis, MM


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Strachan, CL & Davis, MM 2016, 'Lessons learned from closure of mine facilities', in AB Fourie & M Tibbett (eds), Mine Closure 2016: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Mine Closure, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 307-312,

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Mine facilities decommissioning, closure, and rehabilitation have been conducted at sites in the Western Hemisphere (in particularly the Western United States) for several decades. This time period has allowed the planning, permitting, closure, and post-closure performance to be evaluated. This paper outlines the primary lessons learned from involvement at a number of sites in various climate and topographical settings. From these examples, the primary closure issues discussed in the paper include: (1) post-closure property control and land use; (2) stakeholder relationships and commitments; (3) residual waste material management; (4) design period and post-closure maintenance; (5) water management (before, during, and after closure), and (6) socio-economic impacts.

Keywords: mine closure, mill tailings closure, mine water management, mine rehabilitation

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