Authors: Raffaldi, MJ; Chambers, DJA; Johnson, JC

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Raffaldi, MJ, Chambers, DJA & Johnson, JC 2017, 'Numerical study of the relationship between seismic wave parameters and remotely triggered rockburst damage in hard rock tunnels', in J Wesseloo (ed.), Deep Mining 2017: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Deep and High Stress Mining, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 373-386,

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Rockbursts are a serious hazard to workers in deep and high stress mines. Researchers with the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Spokane Mining Research Division in Spokane, Washington, United States of America are using fully dynamic numerical modelling software to investigate rock fracture, ejection, and ground support demand in underground mine openings resulting from strong ground motion induced by a remote seismic source. In this study, a discrete element model of a typical metal mine drift supported by grouted rockbolts was subjected to seismic loading from a remote source. A parameter study was performed with respect to the ground motion by varying the peak particle velocity and frequency content of the input waveform. For each modelled seismic event, the resulting energy demand on the ground support is calculated. Other parameters — peak particle acceleration, duration, and radiated seismic energy — are considered implicitly. The results of this work provide insight into seismic loading of excavations and ground support and may partially explain why, in some cases, peak particle velocity does not correlate well with observed damage. Better understanding of the effects of seismic loading on excavations may lead to developments that improve the safety of workers in underground mines.

Keywords: dynamic modelling, rockburst, dynamic support, rock dynamics

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