Authors: Fischer, G; Ruiz-Tagle, J; Bucher, R; Luis, R

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Fischer, G, Ruiz-Tagle, J, Bucher, R & Luis, R 2017, 'Ground support installations, using a mechanised unroller and flexible high-tensile strength chain link mesh', in J Wesseloo (ed.), Deep Mining 2017: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Deep and High Stress Mining, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 773-784,

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Traditional support and reinforcement systems used in underground mining are limited in their capacity under dynamic loading. Static and dynamic tests carried out by the Western Australian School of Mines have shown that high-tensile chain link mesh has much higher capacity under dynamic loading. Therefore, the high-tensile steel wire (min 1,770 MPa) and the flexibility of the chain link mesh, makes this a support system to be applied in areas with very high static and dynamic expected loading. Historically, ground support processes were done manually. A device has been developed that is mounted on one of the booms of a jumbo and/or bolting machine, which will allow a more efficient installation of the support systems. This unroller device is compatible and retro-fittable with most multiple boom drill jumbo’s and allows installation of rhomboidal high-tensile steel chain link mesh from rolls. While the one boom on the bolter is fitted with a drilling and bolting device, the mesh can be installed using the other arm. This innovative and mechanised installation of chain link mesh provides an increase in miners’ safety and improves production performance of the mine. This paper referred to two examples of automated application of meshes mesh installation trials performed at El Teniente mine (Chile) and Goldfields South Deep mine (South Africa).

Keywords: sustainability, high-tensile steel chain link mesh, automation, performance, roof support

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