Authors: Graham, LJW; Short, G; Chryss, A; Constanti-Carey , K; Wu, J

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Graham, LJW, Short, G, Chryss, A, Constanti-Carey , K & Wu, J 2018, 'Effect of additives on suspension pipe flow', in RJ Jewell & AB Fourie (eds), Paste 2018: Proceedings of the 21st International Seminar on Paste and Thickened Tailings, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 169-180,

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Suspension pipe flow is an important part of mineral operations, which can involve concentrate transport, intra-plant transport, tailings disposal and backfill. Significant costs in these operations include energy, capital and maintenance (the latter associated with the repair of erosion damage). Full understanding of the flow regime is required to optimise the design of these systems for the desired operating condition. An additional option available to the pipe designer or operator is that additives such as magnesium aluminosilicate (MAS) can be used to change the flow regime of the pipe system to the advantage of the operation. A recent program has investigated some of these aspects of pipe flow experimentally. It was found that: Future research options could include examining the effect of additives on different clay-based model suspensions and industrial samples.

Keywords: non-Newtonian, pipe, additives, rheology, magnesium aluminosilicate

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