Authors: Fisseha, B; Wilson, GW; Simms, P

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Fisseha, B, Wilson, GW & Simms, P 2018, 'Assessment of self-weight consolidation of flocculated fluid fine tailings under various environmental conditions', in RJ Jewell & AB Fourie (eds), Paste 2018: Proceedings of the 21st International Seminar on Paste and Thickened Tailings, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 291-304,

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Self-weight consolidation properties of polymer-flocculated fluid fine tailings (FFT) have been investigated in a laboratory using a meso-scale column apparatus with dimensions of 300 mm (diameter) by 1.8 m (height). Four meso-scale columns were used to carry out self-weight consolidation of flocculated FFT with flocculant dosages of 650 g/L (one column) and 850 g/L (three columns). The laboratory investigation attempts to mimic set-ups of the meso-scale consolidation columns under various environmental considerations such as with no evaporation (one column of 850 g/L dosage), with evaporation only (one column of 650 g/L and one column of 850 g/L dosage), and with evaporation and decantation (one column of 850 g/L dosage). The laboratory investigation enables the characterisation of self-weight consolidation of flocculated FFT, using the relationship between the total settlement of deposited tailings versus measured excess pore water pressure dissipation and expected hydrostatic line for various flocculant dosages and environmental considerations. The measured data will be used to assess and verify the self-weight consolidation properties with respect to the principles of soil mechanics.

Keywords: inline flocculation of tailings, fluid fine tailings, self-weight consolidation

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