Authors: Hocking, R; Balog, G; Ormerod, T; Pearce, H

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Hocking, R, Balog, G, Ormerod, T & Pearce, H 2018, 'Early cave management at the Carrapateena sublevel cave', in Y Potvin & J Jakubec (eds), Caving 2018: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Block and Sublevel Caving, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 421-432,

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Carrapateena is a copper–gold deposit hosted in a brecciated granite complex, located 460 km north of Adelaide, South Australia. The deposit will be mined by the sublevel cave mining method. The ore is located below 500 m of unmineralised rock cover with six horizontal domains of various rock strengths, and therefore, fragmentation characteristics. Preliminary testwork of two predominant cover domains has shown that they are likely to break up substantially compared to the ore being mined. Furthermore, the cover sequence hosts two groundwater units of varying permeability which will be intersected by the cave zone. This paper discusses the work in preparation for the mining of the deposit in late 2019, with a focus on:

Keywords: sublevel cave, cave management, mud rush, marker

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