Authors: Brock, D; Weeks, B; Heyes, J

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Brock, D, Weeks, B & Heyes, J 2019, 'Introducing the International Council on Mining and Metals’ Integrated Mine Closure Good Practice Guide', in AB Fourie & M Tibbett (eds), Mine Closure 2019: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Mine Closure, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 781-788,

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The International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) is an international organisation that brings together 27 mining and metal companies and over 30 regional and commodities associations to strengthen environmental and social performance and enhance mining’s contribution to society. The Integrated Mine Closure: Good Practice Guide (2019a) presents a major update to ICMM’s Planning for Integrated Mine Closure: Toolkit (2008). The guide is intended to support the goal of ICMM members, other responsible mining companies, and regulators in delivering a positive legacy while balancing environmental protection and social wellbeing with financial performance. The document provides mining companies with guidance intended to promote a disciplined approach to integrated closure planning and to increase the uniformity of good practices across the sector. Like the earlier version, guidance is provided on the key aspects of mine closure focused on an iterative process, from the earliest stages of knowledge gathering, engagement and planning. The updated guide reflects modern leading practice, with additional emphasis on the importance of social transitioning, progressive closure, and strategies for relinquishment and closure governance. The guide also includes a range of tools that can be utilised in formulating well-considered decisions when planning and executing closure. Successful integrated mine closure utilises a dynamic and iterative process that takes into account environmental, social and economic considerations at an early stage of mine development and runs through to closure. Fundamental to this process is the need to consider closure as an integral part of the mine operations’ core business. The structure of the guide reflects this process, providing good practice guidance in delivering key elements of mine closure planning and implementation. This paper provides an overview of how the guide was developed and its contents. The guide was developed over an 18-month period by the ICMM Closure Working Group, which is made up of mine closure practitioners from leading global mining companies. As the guide was developed, further input and review was contributed by industry specialists, academia, and government representatives.

Keywords: closure, integrated, guide, progressive

International Council on Mining and Metals 2008, Planning for Integrated Mine Closure: Toolkit, London.
International Council on Mining and Metals 2019a, Integrated Mine Closure: Good Practice Guide, London.
International Council on Mining and Metals 2019b, ICMM 10 Principles, viewed 1 April 2019,
International Institute of Environment and Development 2002, Breaking New Ground: Mining, Minerals and Sustainable Development, London.

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