Authors: Hentrich, N-A; Calderon, DS; Bock, S; Franz, J


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Hentrich, N-A, Calderon, DS, Bock, S & Franz, J 2019, 'Limitations of standard analytical methods of shaft liner design', in J Hadjigeorgiou & M Hudyma (eds), Ground Support 2019: Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Ground Support in Mining and Underground Construction, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 445-458,

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Several technical standards for mine shaft lining design have been developed over the past century, especially in countries that have constructed a high number of underground mines. These standards apply different design approaches and consequently, provide the designer with different results. Based on analytical or empirical methods, they give guidance to dimension shaft liners under consideration of the effect of the main factors influencing their stress-strain state. In the engineering practice, such shaft lining design standards are often extended or complemented with other analytical methods, such as the convergence-confinement method, which evaluates the influence of the excavation process and the unsupported shaft section. This paper presents an overview of the most popular standards used for shaft lining design, comparing their consideration of various factors, such as the non-circularity of the shaft geometry, nonuniform lining load, anisotropic ground pressure, water pressure distribution, design life, temporary rock support, temperature load and different lining types. Furthermore, the limitations of these methods are discussed taking into account different approaches for groundwater control (e.g. ground freezing) or shaft sinking methodology (drill and blast, mechanised sinking etc.). A case study is performed, in which the lining of the Victoria mine shaft is dimensioned according to three existing standards, obtaining a wide range of results. The applicability of these standards for this shaft is found to be limited. Proposals are made regarding future work to further improve the shaft lining design, to also include the possibility of using numerical approaches and their compatibility with analytical standards.

Keywords: analytical, standards, DIN, SNIP, PN, shaft lining design, limitations

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