Authors: Kaswalder, F; Fritzke, I; Cavalli, D; Bassi, A


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Kaswalder, F, Fritzke, I, Cavalli, D & Bassi, A 2020, 'High capacity dewatering plants', in H Quelopana (ed.), Paste 2020: 23rd International Conference on Paste, Thickened and Filtered Tailings, Gecamin Publications, Santiago,

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The mining industry is becoming more and more attracted to dry stacking as a method of mine tailings management. The development of bigger-sized plates now allows metal producers to utilize pressure filtration technology to process flow rates of up to 200,000 tonnes per day of dry solids, which was undreamed of just a few years ago. The advantages of this technology include very low cake moisture content, significant savings in water usage and the possibility to recover product (when required) without the need of CCD washers. The filter press technology combined with bigger-sized plates enables filters to be installed in remote sites with high average rainfalls, offering the mining company the possibility of a safer and more sustainable environmental impact, thanks to a stable stack of solid material that requires less room than traditional thickened residue dams. The aim of this presentation is to show the latest studies where this technology has been applied.

Jewell, R.J. & Fourie, A.B. (2015) Paste and Thickened tailings – A guide, 3rd edn, ACG, Crawley, Western Australia
Whittering, R., Pyle, M., & Lane, G. (2019) ‘Filtered dry stack tailings: the ‘state of play’ for high capacity tailings filter plants’, Proceedings of Filtech 2019, Cologne, 22-24 October
Grosso, A. (2019) ‘Dry stacking at every latitude’, talk presented to the ACG short course ‘Is the future filtered?’, associated to Paste 2019, 22nd international conference on paste, thickened and filtered tailings, Cape Town, 8-10 May
Kaswalder, F., Collini, D., Grosso, A., Finocchiaro, N.M. (2018) ‘Filter press dewatering process: analysis of the physical-chemical features affecting the cake build-up’, Proceedings of Filtech 2018, Cologne, 13-15 March
Stickland, A.D., Skinner, S.J., Cavalida, R.G. and Scales, P.J. (2018) ‘Optimisation of filter design and operation for wastewater treatment sludge’, Separation and Purification Technology, vol. 198, pp. 31-37

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