Authors: Montes-Quiróz, W; Garrido, P; Moscoso, C


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Montes-Quiróz, W, Garrido, P & Moscoso, C 2020, 'Inline Characterization of mining slurries by Ultrasonic velocity profile technique (UVP)', in H Quelopana (ed.), Paste 2020: 23rd International Conference on Paste, Thickened and Filtered Tailings, Gecamin Publications, Santiago,

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It has been determined, after a technical feasibility study, that ultrasonic is the best alternative to characterize slurry flows in tailings flumes, by using the “Ultrasonic Velocity Profile” (UVP) technique, which among its many advantages it has shown not to be invasive, to have a high sample frequency, to have the ability to make measurements in opaque means, to have portability, and also that its implementation in existing structures is not complex, nor that it requires special permissions like other technologies do (based on radiation). In the Investigation Centre JRI (CI-JRI), two measurement UVP’s prototypes have been designed, built and set up in transport systems of flumes on a laboratory scale. These prototypes have also been able to perform ultrasonic measurements that have got to a correct estimation of the velocity profile, together with an ad hoc post-processing methodology, outcomes that allow projecting applications at an industrial level and that would generate meaningful benefits in the operation. The future challenges aim to higher scale tests and the development of a given post-processing methodology that would let determine inline, and with a precision over 1%, associated values to the concentration of solids in the fluid, the velocity profile of the fluid in the flume and rheological parameters, all essential to a correct controlling of stages in the transportation of tailing slurries with high concentration.

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