Authors: Palmer, J


Cite As:
Palmer, J 2020, 'Simulation of tailings filtration performance ', in H Quelopana (ed.), Paste 2020: 23rd International Conference on Paste, Thickened and Filtered Tailings, Gecamin Publications, Santiago,

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Tailings filtration is growing in interest with increased pressure on water resources and Tailings storage facility legislation. In greenfield projects limited sample is available to evaluate filtration performance and often composite samples to represent mineral recovery are utilised. The mineral resource over the life of the mine can be variable and small changes in clay or other material can have significant effects on the filterability. This paper looks at methods to predict filterability of a tailings stream with changes in mineralogy. Based on initial testwork and historical database information, mineralogy and particle size data can be analysed in HSC SIM to predict the rate and achievable moisture. Together with plant model information, alternative dewatering strategies can be evaluated to determine the capital and operating costs.

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