Authors: Villa, D; Baraqui, J; Maass, S

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Villa, D, Baraqui, J & Maass, S 2020, 'Papomono mine modelled as an inclined cave', in R Castro, F Báez & K Suzuki (eds), MassMin 2020: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference & Exhibition on Mass Mining, University of Chile, Santiago, pp. 182-194,

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For a low-grade deposit with low rock mass quality, the inclined caving method is a feasible option, representing a low-cost, high-productivity and flexible alternative for a complexly shaped orebody. After performing a number of analyses of the trade-offs between block caving, sub-level caving, sub-level stoping, etc. at its Papomono mine, Minera Tres Valles (MTV) opted for inclined caving due to the orebody’s geometry and the geotechnical conditions (low rock quality). This method permits optimisation of the development effort, increasing production and reducing operating costs and dilution. This paper examines the inclined caving model created using PCBC software, describing the overall process used to estimate reserves and the production schedule, including the inputs used as mine sequence, drawpoint commissioning and production rate, etc. as related to an operation of this type.

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