Authors: Hocking, R; Fargher, M; Chester, C

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Hocking, R, Fargher, M & Chester, C 2020, 'Marker design and calibration for Carrapateena sub level and block cave with a focus on fines migration an far field flow', in R Castro, F Báez & K Suzuki (eds), MassMin 2020: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference & Exhibition on Mass Mining, University of Chile, Santiago, pp. 489-504,

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Carrapateena is mined by the sub level cave method, with studies underway on its transition to a block cave. There is a large amount of weaker cover sequence at Carrapateena above the orebody, and the prediction of the flow of this material is extremely important for understanding the Ore Reserve. As flow modelling has increased in complexity, there has been little focus on how to calibrate flow models and how to set up the marker design within the cave to improve the knowledge of the material flow in cave mines, with a particular focus on Far field flow (>100 m from the draw points). This paper discusses the design of the monitoring at Carrapateena, which includes grade measurement, marker installation and observations in the field to give measurements that can assist calibration. It also discusses how this information can be used to assist flow model calibration and the ultimate understanding of the flow of this fine material. A scorecard method is suggested to use all measurements ranging from grade information to marker data, which can be tracked through the Life of Mine, forming a transparent calibration method. The aim of this work is to better predict fines migration and improve estimation for Carrapateena, where a strong focus is needed on flow.

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