Authors: Hendriks, T; Jansen, R

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Hendriks, T & Jansen, R 2021, 'Pulsation reduction system for positive displacement pumps', in AB Fourie & D Reid (eds), Paste 2021: Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Paste, Thickened and Filtered Tailings, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 273-286,

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Positive displacement pumps are a crucial part of the entire process of a tailings and storage facility. Any pump downtime or unplanned maintenance directly affects the productivity. Therefore, increasing the reliability of the piston diaphragm pumps leads to a more stable process. When operating piston diaphragm pumps, the oscillating movement of the pump pistons results in asymmetrical flows, both in the suction side and at the discharge side of the pump. These asymmetrical flow rates lead to pressure pulsations and to vibrations in the pump itself and the adjacent piping system, having a negative impact on the pump operation. In the suction side of the pump, these pulsations can cause cavitation that reduces the pump reliability and poses a risk for damages, not only for the pump, but also for the entire system. The paper will present a new pulsation reduction system (PRS) invented by MHWirth. This PRS is— in contrast to conventional pulsation dampers—suitable to eliminate high-frequency pulsation of reciprocating diaphragm pumps. Brief description of functionality: The new damper is connected to the propelling fluid chamber of the diaphragms. The propelling fluid, a hydraulic oil, is used as a damping medium, converting the pulsation energy described above into heat by throttle effects. This effect is similar to a shock absorber. The paper will also explain the PRS effects, present operational data from field application and address the following benefits by using it in a tailings and storage facility:

Keywords: piston diaphragm pumps, paste pumping, tailings storage facility, pulsation, cavitation, pressure surge

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