Authors: Brock, D

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Brock, D 2021, 'ICMM guidance and resources for integrating closure into business decision making processes', in AB Fourie, M Tibbett & A Sharkuu (eds), Mine Closure 2021: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Mine Closure, QMC Group, Ulaanbaatar,

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The International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) is an international organisation dedicated to a safe, fair and sustainable mining and metals industry. Bringing together 27 mining and metals companies and over 35 regional and commodities associations, it strengthens environmental and social performance and serves as a catalyst for change, enhancing mining’s contribution to society. Mine closure has become one of the most challenging issues facing mining companies, communities and governments around the world. For mining companies, safety, environmental and social risks can occur, and significant financial provision will be required to manage and address these risks. Moreover, planned mine closures around the world are expected to increase over the next decade, offering a unique opportunity to improve closure-related performance. Integrated mine closure is a dynamic and iterative process that takes into account environmental, social and economic considerations at an early stage of a mine’s development. Fundamental to this process is the need to consider closure as an integral part of the mine operations’ core business. The ICMM Integrated Mine Closure: Good Practice Guide (2nd edition, 2019) and supporting resources assist in this process, providing guidance in delivering key elements of mine closure planning and implementation. These resources have been developed by the ICMM Closure Working Group, made up of mine closure practitioners from leading global mining companies. Input was also sought from other key disciplines as well as from industry specialists, academia and government representatives. Resources developed to support companies in implementing the key concepts of the ICMM Closure Guide include: 1) Financial Concepts for Mine Closure (2019) - for use by ICMM members and the wider industry to communicate and enhance the understanding of the various types of closure cost estimates as they relate to mine closure, enabling consistent understanding and communication across the industry, between industry disciplines and with external stakeholders. 2) Key Performance Indicators: Tool for Closure (2020) - designed to help companies develop context-relevant performance indicators that drive accountability and performance. This tool provides a set of Key Performance Areas and illustrative examples of Key Performance Indicators to support implementation of good closure practices at an operational level. 3) Closure Maturity Framework (2020) a tool developed for companies to use to build a common understanding of closure concepts across an asset’s life cycle and across mining disciplines. The intent of the Closure Maturity Framework is to Map, Motivate and Measure the status of assets on their journey to sustainable closure. It will drive conversation amongst industry stakeholders to converge thinking, decision making and drive positive industry change. 4) Training materials (2020) - intended to promote a more integrated outcome and control of closure planning and implementation activities at an operational level, as well as provide practical resources to assist in planning for successful mine closure. This paper provides an overview of how the Integrated Mine Closure: Good Practice Guide and supporting resources can be used to drive improved performance and integration of closure into business decision making processes to improve closure performance and reduce closure liabilities

International Council on Mining and Metals ICMM, 2019a, Integrated Mine Closure: Good Practice Guide, 2nd ed, London.
International Council on Mining and Metals ICMM, 2019b, 6 Environmental Performance, viewed 19 February 2020,
International Council on Mining and Metals ICMM, 2019c, Financial Concepts for Mine Closure, London.
International Council on Mining and Metals ICMM, 2020a, Key Performance Indicators: Tool for Closure, London.
International Council on Mining and Metals ICMM, 2020b, Closure Maturity Framework (2020), viewed 22 February 2020,
International Council on Mining and Metals ICMM, 2020c, Adapting ICMM's 'Integrated Mine Closure: Good practice guide' into
training materials (2020), viewed 22 February 2020,

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