Authors: Delaunay, T; Hadadou, R; Baroudi, H; Josien, JP; Piguet, JP

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Delaunay, T, Hadadou, R, Baroudi, H, Josien, JP & Piguet, JP 2021, 'Risk management considerate kinetic of the subsidence on top of closed room and pillar mines', in AB Fourie, M Tibbett & A Sharkuu (eds), Mine Closure 2021: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Mine Closure, QMC Group, Ulaanbaatar,

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Since the 20th century, many progressive subsidences have occurred in France over former operated and abandoned room and pillar mines. Some of them have had a profound impact on buildings, requiring the evacuation of people. Among the events recorded, it was found that some subsidences set in quickly (a few days at most) and others in a slow manner (several weeks or months). In a risk prevention approach led by the French administration and at the initiative of the Public Institution GEODERIS, the authors embarked on a study of the kinetics of subsidence on the basis of reports from the best documented occurrences. A methodology has been developed so that, based on readily available data, the time required to achieve structural damage to buildings during mine subsidence can be estimated. The simple-to-use model obtained can potentially be a tool for risk prevention

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vol. 46, n°7

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