Authors: Nurtjahya, E

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Nurtjahya, E 2021, 'Selection criteria for plant species grown on tin-mined soil in Bangka Island, Indonesia', in AB Fourie, M Tibbett & A Sharkuu (eds), Mine Closure 2021: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Mine Closure, QMC Group, Ulaanbaatar,

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Challenges in reclaiming tin-mined soil in Bangka Island, Indonesia are the declining quality of soil properties, metal and heavy metal contamination, and increasing acidity. A recent evaluation found leaf and root anatomical traits of species in ex tin mined soils were not correlated with survival rates, height growth or canopy areas. Thus, a renewed study focusing more on the functional traits to confirm morphological performance in the field is needed. Combining the study of leaf and root functional traits with the other physical trait studies may streamline the determination of species selection criteria for tin reclamation use. By studying samples of 92 plant species (24 herbs, 21 shrubs, 44 trees, and 3 lianas) grown in mined spoils and in forest fragments, focusing on 8 key functional traits, it is found that the leaf functional traits and root traits differed between plants grown in the ex-mined site and in the forest. Stomatal conductivities of several plant habits that grow on tin-mined soil were higher than those that grow on undisturbed land. Chlorophyll a of herbs and lianas and chlorophyll b in all habits, which were grown in ex-mined soils, were lower. Stomatal densities of herbs and lianas in-mined land were higher than plants grown in the forest. Leaf thickness, mesophyll and adaxial cuticle thickness of all habits grown in ex-mined spoils were higher than for plants grown in the forest. The enlarged palisade cells of those living in the dry ex-mined environment indicate their tolerance to water stress. In other study, the root conductivities in sedge and shrub species were higher in ex-mined soil compared to those grown in the undisturbed environments, while tree showed the opposite pattern. Some attributes are consistent with plants growing under greater water stress, therefore selection of species for regevetation should rely on those. The correlations of root and leaf traits are not consistent among herbs, shrubs, trees, and lianas and this might reflect different adaptive strategies. This inconsistency suggests that root conductivity, stomatal conductivity, and leaf nitrogen content in more species representing traits related to drought tolerance, regardless of growth habit, should be emphasized in the future studies

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