Authors: Sredniawa, W; Skawina, B; Rapp, J; Shekhar, G; Gunillasson, J

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Sredniawa, W, Skawina, B, Rapp, J, Shekhar, G & Gunillasson, J 2022, 'Longevity chart for planning production and the renovation of orepasses', in Y Potvin (ed.), Caving 2022: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Block and Sublevel Caving, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 369-380,

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Orepasses are used in rock mass transportation systems to transport the material to lower levels. If the ability to transport the material is lost, the failed orepass can be restored, but the process is usually costly, and the time to restore the orepass is usually long, possibly resulting in disturbances in material flow. This study introduced a longevity chart to plan for the availability and renovation of orepasses. A longevity chart is based on the orepass parameters, such as geotechnical conditions, stress and strength regimes, design parameters, and operational procedures. It guides mine planners in the creation of future production plans and renovation plans for the orepasses. The study presented in this paper was based on the LuossavaaraKiirunavaara Aktiebolag Kiirunavaara sublevel caving mine located in the northern part of Sweden. This paper explains the creation process of the longevity chart and its implementation in renovation plans.

Keywords: orepasses, longevity chart, production planning, renovation

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