Authors: Kalisch, B; Dunow, T

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Kalisch, B & Dunow, T 2022, 'Driving outcomes through transformational mine closure program delivery', in AB Fourie, M Tibbett & G Boggs (eds), Mine Closure 2022: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Mine Closure, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 513-524,

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The mining industry has a significant role to play in delivering the commodities society needs, and producing them in a way that minimises adverse impacts on the environment and local communities. At the same time, mineral resources are finite, making the operation, and ultimately closure, of mining inevitable. While progressive rehabilitation of mine sites has been done well by some companies, the same can’t be said for the entire sector and mining companies need to showcase leading rehabilitation practices to shift public perceptions. This is more critical than ever as consumers, manufacturers, and investors in energy transition metals and minerals want to know every step of production has been respectful towards the environment and affected communities. Mine closure must examine the complexities of regulatory and environmental compliance, strategies for post-mining land use, socio-economic planning, rehabilitation of the site, and support to communities through the transition. Due to these factors, mine closures can become major programs that provide significant opportunities but carry huge responsibility. Considering what is at stake for the companies, communities, and environment, failure is not an option. There is an opportunity for organisations and the industry to break the mould of delivering closure from a ‘project to project’ asset-based approach to a programmatic approach. In evolving their approach, the mining industry can drive improved governance, performance, and continuous improvement while reducing risk and eventually helping to define and refine future direction. In adopting a programmatic approach, through a global Closure Programme Management Office (CPMO) the following opportunities can be realised: The paper will focus on improving global perspectives and best practices in mine decommissioning, closure, and reclamation through implementing a global CPMO. Our methodology incorporates our experiences working on global mine closure programs for major clients, which has enabled us to amass significant experience in how to establish and maintain control over large and complex programs of work, reduce risk and deliver opportunity. Additionally, our methodology will incorporate our findings from a comprehensive literature review, as well as a collaborative research survey and interviews where we explored what it takes to deliver successful outcomes in mine closure.

Keywords: Delivery methods; program management; technology; mine closure; predictability

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