Authors: Shellam, R

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Shellam, R 2023, 'The development process of an applied geotechnical model for the Hemerdon deposit ', in PM Dight (ed.), SSIM 2023: Third International Slope Stability in Mining Conference, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 303-314,

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The geotechnical model outlines the current engineering geological understanding of a deposit and provides a rational representation of the rock mass properties observed at the site. The primary purpose is to help inform subsequent slope stability modelling and by incorporating the geotechnical model into the analysis, engineers can evaluate the potential for slope failure and determine the optimal pit design that is safe while maximising efficiency. However, if there are inconsistencies in the geotechnical model the pit designs created may not adequately account for potential risks and as a result, sub-optimal designs will be generated. These inconsistencies can arise from various factors such as insufficient site investigation or limitations in the analysis techniques employed. Therefore, a significant amount of effort is expended to collect and interpret data to justify the model parameters. This paper outlines a methodology to develop the geotechnical model domains. It highlights an iterative approach which combines field observations, 3D models visualisations and the application of data visualisation techniques to justify model boundaries. The proposed method was applied to the development of the geotechnical model for the Hemerdon Mine, a tungsten deposit which is located in the southwest of the UK. It is concluded that by using the techniques presented in this paper, engineers can develop robust geotechnical models which better reflect the rock mass conditions and therefore, improve the outcomes of subsequent slope stability modelling.

Keywords: constructing geotechnical models, case studies, geotechnical characterisation

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