Authors: Ardito, C; Hugman, R; Persico, A; Sigda, J

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Ardito, C, Hugman, R, Persico, A & Sigda, J 2024, 'Nuclear power renaissance and the challenge of closing legacy uranium mine and mill sites', in AB Fourie, M Tibbett & G Boggs (eds), Mine Closure 2024: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Mine Closure, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 351-362,

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With the growing concern about climate change and its projected impacts around the world, nuclear power working together with renewable energy sources can enable countries to move away from dependence on fossil fuels and achieve their net zero carbon emission targets (International Atomic Energy Agency [IAEA] 2021). A wealth of evidence demonstrates that bringing on more nuclear power capability is a key part of reaching net zero emission goals, coupled with changing public perception to recognise the positive outcomes of nuclear power generation. Uranium mining will be crucial to supporting this anticipated growth in nuclear power projects in response to energy needs. The legacy of uranium mining and milling sets a negative undercurrent to this opportunity. Modern mining practices, strict environmental regulations, and increased demand for a responsibly sourced supply chain have helped to advance the science; to show that uranium can be recovered with minimal impacts to human health and the environment. Modern development of nuclear power generation will be met with challenges resulting from public perception that comes from known historical impacts to soil and groundwater at legacy sites, which are currently being addressed, but will take many more years to resolve. Progress towards closure is being made at several of these sites because of improved site characterisation techniques, state-of-the-art geochemical and predictive modelling evaluations, and regular collaboration with key decision-makers. Resolving the negative effects of the uranium legacy will be a critical step in realising the economic opportunities related to a potential ‘nuclear power renaissance.’ Overcoming the negative legacy of uranium mining is essential for a successful nuclear power renaissance and can be addressed through communicating and demonstrating responsible practices and building trust with stakeholders. This paper discusses some of the challenges faced during closure of uranium mine and mill sites and provide some examples from the United States where these challenges have been tackled, demonstrating that they are surmountable.

Keywords: uranium, mining, nuclear power, climate change

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