Authors: Meneses, B; Llano-Serna, M; Dressel, W; Coffey, JP; Gerritsen, T

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Meneses, B, Llano-Serna, M, Dressel, W, Coffey, JP & Gerritsen, T 2024, 'A geotechnically derived screening method to assess the filterability of tailings', in AB Fourie & D Reid (eds), Paste 2024: Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Paste, Thickened and Filtered Tailings, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 115-128,

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International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD) Bulletin 181 (ICOLD 2021) has classified tailings into five broad types depending on their physical properties (e.g. particle size, plasticity, consolidation). The classification system has been recognised as a valuable framework for predicting the general behaviour of tailings. For this study, the authors have undertaken an extensive literature review of geotechnical parameters reported for filtered tailings studies. The literature review included the digitisation of various tailings parameters reported and compared against the ICOLD classification system. The comparison allowed it to establish how the filterability and filtration rates were achieved from the historical reports. The benchmark process allowed for the development of filterability boundaries inspired by the classification system. The charts developed for the study are proposed as a first-pass screening tool to understand the filterability of the tailings at hand, charts proposed herein are not envisioned to provide a yes or no suitable for filtration outcome. Conventional soil classification test results are often readily available from most tailings storage facilities, making the charts an attractive tool. The charts can also be used to compare, at a high level, which tailings from a range of potential alternative sites are the most suitable for filtration. Three anonymous iron ore sites are used to trial the system. The study concludes with a summary of limitations and opportunities to consider when adopting the proposed screening methods.

Keywords: screening, filterability, tailings classification, dry stack, tailings management

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