Authors: Malovichko, D; Rigby, A; Jessu, K; Viegas, G

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Malovichko, D, Rigby, A, Jessu, K & Viegas, G 2024, 'Forecasting shaking and bulking ground velocities around tunnels for a planned mining sequence', in P Andrieux & D Cumming-Potvin (eds), Deep Mining 2024: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Deep and High Stress Mining, pp. 687-698,

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The assessment of expected ground velocities at the perimeter of tunnels is important for the quantification of dynamic demand imposed on ground support. Two types of ground velocities need to be considered. TheĀ first is the velocity of ground motion/shaking due to a stress wave from a remote (relative to the tunnel) seismic event, which is used to assess the likelihood of shakedown damage. The second is the velocity of bulking due to sudden stress fracturing on the perimeter of tunnel, which is used in the assessment of the likelihood of strainburst damage. We demonstrate procedures for forecasting both velocities using an example of a planned mining sequence at an Australian hard rock underground mine

Keywords: seismic shakedown, strainbursting, ground support

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