Authors: Smith, J; Bewick, R

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Smith, J & Bewick, R 2024, 'Development and use of rock mass damage thresholds for high-stress stoping mines', in P Andrieux & D Cumming-Potvin (eds), Deep Mining 2024: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Deep and High Stress Mining, pp. 713-726,

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This paper describes an assessment methodology that uses performance monitoring and geotechnical data to benchmark rock mass damage thresholds against stress changes induced by mining activity in underground high-stress stoping mines. The benchmark damage thresholds are established by interpreting 3D numerical elastic stress modelling results and comparing them with performance monitoring data. The developed benchmark thresholds enable the mine to forecast when (relative to mining sequence) and where areas of high-stress concentration will occur and relate these areas to ground support and stope performance for different proposed stope sequences and geometries. Using the developed benchmark, the paper describes the interpretation of numerical modelling results required to forecast when and where ground support elements or concepts may need to be adjusted in response to induced stress. Examples are discussed where the method is applied to identify areas that may experience or are already experiencing stress-induced damage, such as spalling and strainbursts. Lastly, the paper describes the reliability of this methodology when considering the influence of rock mass structure.

Keywords: induced stress, support performance, stoping, forecasting damage, rock mass response

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