Authors: Chang, O; Stead, D; Elmo, D; Williams-Jones, G

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Chang, O, Stead, D, Elmo, D & Williams-Jones, G 2024, 'Application of mixed and virtual reality in deep mining', in P Andrieux & D Cumming-Potvin (eds), Deep Mining 2024: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Deep and High Stress Mining, pp. 867-878,

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The immersive 3D capabilities within mixed and virtual reality (MR/VR) provide significant new opportunities in mining including rock mass characterisation, monitoring, and modelling. Innovative examples of applications in rock mass characterisation will be presented in this paper, including engineering core logging, and visualisation of discrete fracture networks. A virtual core shed in MR/VR has been pioneered and it shows high potential for improving quality control/assurance, as it enables remote geological and engineering examination at different experience levels. Supplementary core data can also be juxtaposed allowing further assessment. Borehole wall imagery is also added in VR, demonstrating the ability to travel down virtual boreholes and examine specific features. An innovative MR visualisation platform of discrete fracture networks (DFN) offers the potential to improve characterisation of properties such as fracture intensity, connectivity, and rock bridge distribution with significant implications in understanding rock failure mechanisms. Virtual boreholes of varying orientations can easily be inserted into the DFN holograph, allowing for the examination of spatial distribution of fractures, fracture sampling bias, and assessment of potential rock mass kinematic instability; all leading to improved subsurface rock mass characterisation. Applications of MR/VR to characterise underground excavations and monitor ground-induced subsidence above deep mines are briefly outlined, along with numerical modelling of deep mines. Complex 3D problems can be investigated from a unique perspective overcoming the significant constraints of 2D screens and enabling optimal characterisation of the rock mass and ground performance within the virtual paradigm. Increased use of these instrumentation in deep mining will provide new insights and allow more informative decisions involving multi-disciplines and multi-levels of engineering/geological experience. With continuing and rapid technological advancements in both hardware and software, we suggest that MR/VR has the promise of revolutionising deep mine design.

Keywords: virtual reality, mixed reality, discrete fracture network

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