Authors: Mawson, M; Kulcsar, Z

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Mawson, M & Kulcsar, Z 2024, 'Geotechnical model making: steps and stories of how LKAB started geotechnical modelling', in P Andrieux & D Cumming-Potvin (eds), Deep Mining 2024: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Deep and High Stress Mining, pp. 1115-1122,

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In recent years LKAB systematically built a system of geotechnical data collection and competency across its four major mine sites and associated sub-projects. While technological advances are rare in geotechnical logging and modelling, this paper aims to provide more efficient geotechnical data collection team set-up with goals of contributing towards automation. By describing the process of in-house team set-up, the use of contractors, and the selection of expert guidance and consultancy competencies, the geotechnical department’s time and effort may be reduced for high-volume drill programs. Here we discuss topics on problems encountered when inserting teams into existing workflows, and practices for data collection and modelling. Also LKAB’s experiences are shared, i.e. the problems and solutions, with steps to make a geotechnical model and how to add (not remove) value to projects. LKAB’s deep mass mine designs are now dependent on geology and geotechnical model improvements to develop current understanding of design criteria, plan for high stresses at depth and optimise extraction sequences, while the current mine planning team grapples with these same incipient issues across a wide mining front. Kiruna’s recent sterilisation of 90 Mt of ore within the Block 22 pillar has sharpened the senses across LKAB.

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