Authors: Ramires, J; Reardon, D; Gosche, K

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Ramires, J, Reardon, D & Gosche, K 2024, 'Implicit modelling workflow for a geotechnical model for rapid integration and its calibration for application at Tropicana gold mine', in P Andrieux & D Cumming-Potvin (eds), Deep Mining 2024: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Deep and High Stress Mining, pp. 1291-1308,

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Spatial modelling of geotechnical variables is vital to guide mine designs by highlighting risks and opportunities in advance. Specifically for open stope underground mines, the modelling of the rock mass quality using Q’ (Potvin 1988) and uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) allows the estimation of stable stope spans and minimum pillar requirements. The resulting extraction ratios (ER%) are loaded into the geotechnical model for rapid integration (GMRi) and provided to mine planners before design of the stoping areas. This process has been successfully semi-automated at Tropicana gold mine (TGM) in Australia by AngloGold Ashanti (AGA). The current rock mass modelling methodology uses implicit links to combine the geological model and geotechnical datasets in a single modelling project. This paper aims to present an implicit modelling workflow to update the GMRi and the application of this process at TGM to allow forecasting of declining extraction ratios at depth many years in advance, providing the opportunity for the business to proactively consider alternative mining methods.

Keywords: implicit modelling, extraction ratio, rock mass modelling, geotechnical model for rapid integration

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