Authors: Jarufe, J

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Jarufe, J 2024, 'Using seismic hazard to improve underground mine planning', in P Andrieux & D Cumming-Potvin (eds), Deep Mining 2024: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Deep and High Stress Mining, pp. 1309-1318,

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This article presents a method to evaluate seismic hazard for different mine planning options, which enable mine operators to make informed decisions and develop robust mine plans that account for potential seismic hazards. By rigorously testing the mine plan against diverse scenarios, the design guidelines can be refined to enhance the overall efficiency, productivity, and resilience of the mining operation, ultimately contributing to the long-term sustainability and safety of the mining industry. The method is elaborated based on theoretical aspects and applied to a case study on Canadian sublevel stope mine. Since the results of this work are related to seismic hazard, it is encouraged to continue this research focused on rockburst hazard and in the impact of mitigation strategies in the reduction of the hazard and the improvement of work safety.

Keywords: seismicity, mine planning, seismic hazard, rockburst

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