Authors: Sellgren, A; Addie, GR; Whitlock, L


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Sellgren, A, Addie, GR & Whitlock, L 2005, 'Technical-Economical Feasibility of Using Centrifugal Pumps in High-Density Thickened Tailings Slurry Systems', in R Jewell & S Barrera (eds), Paste 2005: Proceedings of the International Seminar on Paste and Thickened Tailings, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 195-204,

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Pumping a simulated tailings slurry at a high solids content has been investi- gated at the GIW Hydraulic Testing Laboratory in a 0.075 m diameter loop with a centrifugal pump with an auger-like inducer. The results and earlier experiences from the Laboratory and some reported data indicate that viscous slurries char- acterized by shear stresses in pipeline transportation of 100 to 200 Pa can be pumped effectively with centrifugal pumps. Stresses in this range were reported in pipeline, flume and viscometer experiments with typical base metal tailings slurries at concentrations by volume of 44% in pilot-scale thickening tests. The corresponding concentration by mass,70%, gave a non-segregating mixture which could be disposed at slopes of about 4%. With this type of slurry, an overall economical comparison indicate that centrifugal pumps can be a cost-effective alternative also in high pressure applications (4 MPa) corresponding to a pipeline length of 1000 m when pumping 300 tonnes of tailings per hour. 196 Paste 2005, Santiago, Chile Technical-Economical Feasibility... Sellgren, A. et al.

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