Cite As:
Dvořáček, J & Štěrba, J 2006, 'The Choice of the Technical Liquidation of Underground Mine Workings', in AB Fourie & M Tibbett (eds),
Mine Closure 2006: Proceedings of the First International Seminar on Mine Closure, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 257-260,
The mining legislation in the Czech Lands is more than seven centuries old and the development of mining
has been marked by ups and downs during the whole period. The 1990s were characterised by the closing
down and liquidation of underground mines, which, under new conditions, failed to cope with the economic
and environmental criteria introduced. The fast initial liquidation of underground mines led to surface faults
and destruction of mine workings, collapses of shaft tops, escape of methane to the surface and resultant
explosions, and contamination of mine water discharging from or pumped out of flooded mine workings, as
a result of improper liquidation of the mines. The fact of the matter has prompted the state mining authority
to seek the method of technical liquidation of underground mines, which would be a final solution to the
issue without any impact on the society or the environment.
Dvořáček, J. and Slivka, V. (2005) Technicko-ekonomická analýza způsobu technické likvidace hlubinného dolu
zakládáním. Final report to the project Science and Research of the Czech Mining Authority No. 42-05, Ostrava,
2005, 87 p.
Slivka, V., Grmela, A., Hudeèek, V., Rùrek, P., Petro, V. and Danìk, T. (2006) Analýza technologie likvidace dolu
zakládáním vycházející z technického projektu likvidace dolu. Partial report to the project Science and Research
of the Czech Mining Authority No. 42-05, Ostrava, March 2006, 168 p.
The Choice of the Technical Liquidation of Underground Mine Workings J. Dvořáček, J. Štěrba
260 Mine Closure 2006, Perth, Australia