Authors: Eberhardt, E; Stead, D; Elmo, D; Dunbar, WS; Scoble, M; van As, A; Moss, A; Vyazmensky, A; Tollenaar, R; O'Connor, CP; Eissa, H; Sturzenegger, M


Cite As:
Eberhardt, E, Stead, D, Elmo, D, Dunbar, WS, Scoble, M, van As, A, Moss, A, Vyazmensky, A, Tollenaar, R, O'Connor, CP, Eissa, H & Sturzenegger, M 2007, 'Transition from Surface to Underground Mining - Understanding Complex Rock Mass Interactions Through the Integration of Mapping, Monitoring and Numerical Modelling Data', in Y Potvin (ed.), Slope Stability 2007: Proceedings of the 2007 International Symposium on Rock Slope Stability in Open Pit Mining and Civil Engineering, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 321-332,

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Numerous mining operations are considering the move from surface to underground mining in order to economically mine deeper resources particularly where open pit mine lives are nearing an end. However, the body of practical knowledge related to the impacts of underground mining on the surface environment in terms of induced differential strains, surface subsidence and slope stability is limited, imposing both economic risks to the mine and safety risks to mine personnel. This paper describes the framework of a large collaborative research initiative between the University of British Columbia (UBC), Simon Fraser University (SFU), Rio Tinto plc and Diavik Diamond Mines. The main objective of this work is to develop a methodology to characterise and better understand the complex rock mass interactions between underground mass mining operations and strain-sensitive surface structures through the integration of advanced numerical modelling methods, rock mass characterisation and deformation monitoring.

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Transition from Surface to Underground Mining ― Understanding Complex Rock Mass
Interactions Through the Integration of Mapping, Monitoring and Numerical Modelling Data E. Eberhardt, et al.
332 Slope Stability 2007, Perth, Australia

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